
[나고야] 매뉴팩처링 DX 전시회 2025

[나고야] 제조 DX 전시회
From April 09, 2025 until April 11, 2025
나고야 - 포트 메세 나고야, 아이치현, 일본
(참석 전 아래 공식 사이트에서 날짜와 장소를 다시 한 번 확인해주세요.)
카테고리 : 엔지니어링 부문

製造業DX전 [명문화] 2025 |製造業の業務디지탈화, DXを推進 suru 展示会

The 3rd Manufacturing Industry DX Exhibition (Nagoya) is an exhibition that showcases IT products and services to promote DX at factories and manufacturing sites.Attendees will include users from the information systems, manufacturing and development departments, as well as sales, quality, corporate planning, and procurement. The goal is to digitalize operations and create smarter factories.The exhibition will take place at Port Messe Nagoya as well as in other locations such as Tokyo, Osaka and Kyushu.

공장가시화, 자동화/인력절약 시스템, 품질관리 시스템, 검사/검사 시스템, 디지털 트윈, 메타버스*유지보수/유지보수 DX.

장비관리시스템, 예측/예측보전, 원격감시/검사, AI 카메라, 영상인식 시스템*조달/구매/견적 DX.

SFA/CRM - 명함 관리 시스템, MA 도구, CS/CX 도구, ServitizationManagement 지원 DX.

Groupware, digital platform, CO2 visualization and business chat* General affairs, human resource, accounting, and legal DX.

비디오/문서 매뉴얼; 인재 관리, 노무 관리/인적 자원 시스템; 송장 시스템.

출석 문의TEL: 03-6739-4106E-mail:[email protected].

전시관련 문의사항은 전화: 03-6739-4106E-mail:[email protected]로 연락주시기 바랍니다.

The Manufacturing Industry DX Exhibition will consolidate the products that are currently on display, including AI technology, IoT solutions, and cybersecurity products for the manufacturing industry. This topic has gained a lot of attention in recent times! The Mechanical Elements Technology Exhibition will also continue to display products that are related to aerospace equipment. These items were in high demand during the Nagoya Exhibition.

조회수 : 1928

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[나고야] Manufacturing DX Exhibition 공식 사이트에서 등록하세요.

행사장 지도 및 주변 호텔

나고야 - 포트 메세 나고야, 아이치현, 일본 나고야 - 포트 메세 나고야, 아이치현, 일본


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