
TMLS 연례 회의 및 엑스포 2024

TMLS 연례 회의 및 엑스포
From July 12, 2024 until July 15, 2024
토론토 - 칼루, 온타리오, 캐나다
(참석 전 아래 공식 사이트에서 날짜와 장소를 다시 한 번 확인해주세요.)
카테고리 : 교육 서비스
태그 : 핸드백

Data version control & reproducibility for LangChain & LLM/OpenAI models. FREE Virtual WorkshopNovember 29th,1PM EST. Toronto Machine Learning Summit. 8th Annual Toronto Machine Learning Summit. Celebrating Canadian Applied AI Innovation. A Unique Experience. Explore the Uncharted Frontiers of Generative AI. Reserve your spot today! Sponsors and Partners. Event Demographics. 2023 Technical Background.

Amit KesarwaniTreeverse의 솔루션 엔지니어링LakeFS 이사.

줄을 서십시오: [이메일 보호]: [이메일 보호].

TMLS's 8-year-old program has been a unique mix of cutting-edge industry research, hands-on workshop, and vetted case studies that have been reviewed by a committee for your team’s growth & expansion.

우리는 커뮤니티, 교육, 접근성을 최우선으로 생각합니다.

Gen-AI는 획기적인 혁신을 이끌어온 차세대 인공지능입니다.

Signal 1 Talk Title: AI for hospitals at scale.

Recursion Pharmaceuticals ML Engineer Talk title: Industrializing ML workflows in drug discovery.

Director, Risk Control and fraud analytics, CIBCTalk title: Revolutionizing Fraud Prevention - Harnessing AI and ML To Safeguard Banking From Fraud.

Co-founder & CEO of Private AITalk Title : Building customer trust in the Generative AI Era.

Hudson Labs CTOTalk title: Making RAG work (Retrieval-Augmented Generation).

Chief AI Officer at Scotiabank, Talk Title: Genai: Lessons in Banking.

조회수 : 733

티켓 또는 부스 등록

TMLS Annual Conference & Expo 공식 웹사이트에서 등록하세요.

행사장 지도 및 주변 호텔

토론토 - 칼루, 온타리오, 캐나다 토론토 - 칼루, 온타리오, 캐나다


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