
개인 서비스 및 가정 고용 박람회 2024

개인 서비스 및 재택 고용 박람회
From November 26, 2024 until November 27, 2024
파리 - 파리 엑스포 포르트 드 베르사유, 일드프랑스, 프랑스
(참석 전 아래 공식 사이트에서 날짜와 장소를 다시 한 번 확인해주세요.)

Salon des services à la personne et de l'emploi à domicile - Les 26 et 27 novembre 2024 – 파리 – 포르트 드 베르사유

JOB SEEKERS, Employees. JOB SEEKERS, Employees. See you on November 26 and 27, 2024. Official visits to the 2023 show Authors, podcasters, directors...you were able to meet them at the show. Dr François Sarkozy. They were at the 2023 show. Nicole Dubré-Chirat. Professor Bertrand Fougère. Christine Le Nabour. Marie-Béatrice Levaux. Marie-Anne Montchamp. Charlotte Parmentier-Lecoq.

Discover the services and solutions that make your life easier, that of your family, and that make the daily lives of caregivers easier.

Discover the solution services that improve your daily life, that of your family and that lighten your daily life as a caregiver.

Find the solutions to create, manage and develop your structure.

Meet the structures that are recruiting and take stock of training and career opportunities.

Are you looking for solutions to get help at home? Do you manage a personal services, home services and care structure? Do you want to create one or join a franchise network? Are you looking for a job in the sector or training?

See you on November 26 and 27, 2024, in Paris, Porte de Versailles, to inform yourself, exchange with the best professionals in the sector and find the solutions that meet your needs.

Minister Delegate in charge of Small and Medium Enterprises, Commerce, Crafts and Tourism.

Minister Delegate in charge of Disabled People.

조회수 : 6861

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개인 서비스 및 재택 고용 박람회 공식 웹 사이트에서 등록하십시오.

행사장 지도 및 주변 호텔

파리 - 파리 엑스포 포르트 드 베르사유, 일드프랑스, 프랑스 파리 - 파리 엑스포 포르트 드 베르사유, 일드프랑스, 프랑스


소남 싱
꼭 필요한 취업박람회

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