페이콘 바티마트 2025

페이콘 바티마트 상파울루 2025
From April 08, 2025 until April 11, 2025
상파울루 - 상파울루 엑스포, 브라질 상파울루 주
+55 11 3060 4717
(참석 전 아래 공식 사이트에서 날짜와 장소를 다시 한 번 확인해주세요.)


Enhancing Productivity in Construction with FEICON.

SNAPSHOT OF THE EVENT. Enjoy exclusive booking benefits with FEICON's travel program. ORGANIZATION AND PROMOTION.

Visitors attending FEICON should seize the opportunity to network and explore the latest innovations that can transform their approach to construction and architecture. This event is not just a showcase of products and services but also a platform for continuous learning and growth. By connecting with professionals from all parts of the industry, attendees can gain insights into improving productivity and efficiency, which are crucial for meeting the demands of modern construction projects.

FEICON, celebrated as the kick-off event for Brazil's construction calendar, facilitates valuable business connections and fosters an environment where industry advancements are shared and discussed. The event is dedicated to offering high-quality technical content throughout the year, ensuring that participants remain at the forefront of developments within this critical sector. As the construction industry is vital for national growth, staying informed of the latest trends and technologies through such events is essential for any professional looking to contribute positively to this dynamic field.

티켓 또는 부스 등록

Feicon Batimat 공식 웹 사이트에서 등록하십시오.

행사장 지도 및 주변 호텔

상파울루 - 상파울루 엑스포, 브라질 상파울루 주 상파울루 - 상파울루 엑스포, 브라질 상파울루 주


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